Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dancing Feet

Isn't it pretty?! Well probably prettier in a tracing than the real thing anyway...

In the midst of being sick I have also been considering ordering new, fancy, shmancey, pointe shoes that are supposed to last forever from Gaynor Minden. Which is a good thing considering pointe shoes can for some last days, but for me it is usually a month or so....needless to say.. the $ adds up quick!!

Well since I don't live near a "fitter" I decided to try the online technique where you download a form, trace your feet (or you husband does if you have one), fill out a ton of info, take pictures, and send it all in. If only it could be that easey! I think we traced me feet 4 1/2 times(the half being only 1 foot), talked to the company 3 or 4 times...including Mr.Wonderful calling and talking to them (there is a reason I call him Mr. Wonderful!), my computer not downloading the right thing or submitting the form...and me stressing over whether or not this will all be worth it!

After my last call to the company, the lady said just mail it in. Which sounds crazy to me and a little archaic if you are supposed to have high speed technology at your finger tips! I guess in the end it is better to snail mail the tracings and pictures so the computer can't distort them. sigh. I really hope this works.

I'll let you know how it turns out and maybe the shoes will make my feet look like thisIn the mean time I'll keep dreaming!

(image borrowed from

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