Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Glimpse

Since I have been on a blogging hiatus for months I thought I would give a brief look into various things that have been going on!
Finally made the curtains to go in my living room. (Thanks mom!)

NYC wedding, my husband was the best man, it was an Indian wedding and one of the highlights was getting to wear a sari for the first time!

I took over 300 pictures of this amazing wedding, but choosing what to put up was overwhelming!

Natasha, was of the many amazing people we met and helped me be confident in carrying off the look. She completed it by giving me a bendi(the jewel they wear on the forehead)

We had an amazing snowfall that resulted in an actual snow day instead of an "ice day."

The backyard...I know for my family and friends in the north east this is nothing compared to what you got, but for us it was pretty monumental. I think it was the most snow in 20 years.

Took the plunge and got bangs! (That's my beautiful sister!)

Visited my brother in him...miss him

Met our niece in Pennsylvania

Hayley is so sweet and we love her dearly!!

And we also saw our 1 year old niece Selah. It was so fun to see her run around and explore. Plus she would just run up to us and sit in our lap or let us hold her. Being the long distance uncle and aunt this did our hearts good. In this picture she had discovered Auntie Alissa's boots. I think we have fashonista in the making!

And we had our very own peonies bloom in our backyard!! The day it happened I had full intention of dedicating a whole post just to these beauties(we had about 12 in all), but it was right in the middle of production and that is just not a reality. They were miracle flowers really as they are not supposed to bloom in Texas due to the lack of winter. Well a week of the temperature being in the 20's and my dear husband's idea of putting ice on top of them resulted in some amazing flowers that I had all over my house for a little over a week. It smelled heavenly!!

That catches me up to April...from here on out I hope to do more individual posts about the goings on of our home.

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