Well I am officially 9 months pregnant and I can't believe it! Time has flown by and I am amazed that in a few short weeks my little one will be here. I still have four weeks to hit the 40 week mark but it feels surreal to know he could come at anytime. We are quickly trying to make our way through the check list of things to do and finish up the nursery. My mom is coming tomorrow and we are going to work on the bedding! Because of Nutcracker and working so much many things had to be pushed back until December to be completed. But it is all coming together I just take it a day at a time. Hopefully I'll be able to post some pictures of the nursery once it is completed and before our little guy arrives!

33 Weeks and our little one survived his first Nutcracker!

34 (1/2) Weeks and all dressed up for a Christmas Party

Christmas Day and almost 36 weeks
Our anticipation is building daily and I can't wait to hold our blessing!